Knud Carl Edward Kyhn

Knud Carl Edvard Kyhn was born on 17th March 1880 and died on 23rd November 1969.

Knud Kyhn was the nephew of William Kyhn (one of the last Golden Age painters). Knud Kyhn graduated from the Art Academy in 1904.

Knud Kyhn was a very productive artist who throughout his life created works of art that are still valued all over the world. In Denmark, he is especially known for his many animal figurines, which he created through his many years of service at Royal Copenhagen. He worked for the Royal Porcelaine Factory in the years 1903-1910, 1924-1932 and 1936-1967, interrupted only by a period by Herman A. Kahler in Naestved 1920-1924 and at Bing & Grondahl 1908-1915 and 1933-1935.

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