Berndt Friberg
Sweden (1899 - 1981)
Swedens master potter, Berndt Friberg was originally employed as thrower to Wilhelm Kåge and Stig Lindberg at Gustavsbergs pottery.
His work is sensuous and at its best when treated with his characteristic matt glazes in the oriental manner, which were painstakingly applied to achieve an astonishing structure and depth. Friberg was born to a family of pottery makers and started his career as a youth at Höganäs pottery.
From 1944 to his death, he produced ceramics for the legendary Gustavsberg Studio. This workshop was created by Wilhelm Kåge as a platform for artists to independently create unique ceramic art ware. Friberg threw and glazed all his stoneware vessels himself. He was a perfectionist and did not keep any pieces which were not to his satisfaction.
Berndt Friberg was inspired by traditional Chinese and Japanese glazes when experimenting his way to his significant rabbit´s fur glaze.