Arne Vodder
Arne Vodder
1926- 2009
Arne Vodder graduated as an architect from the Royal Danish Academy of Arts. From 1951, he had his independent studio in collaboration with architect Anton Borg, making 1.100 lowcost type houses until end 60s. In 1975 Arne Vodder went solo. Being a student of the Danish furniture designer Finn Juhl and having him as a mentor, his designs are influenced by roundings and organic shapes, while preserving their functionality. Especially his wooden furniture produced by the Danish furniture producer Sibast had an appeal to the US market as Danish Modern.
His sofa in leather from 1953 has a simplified shell and upholstery of a complex technique, made by the Danish cabinetmaker Ivan Schlecter, being one of the few capable to make it. In his and Anton Borg’s sofa for the Danish furniture maker Slagelse Møbelfabrik no. 813 from 1958, the simplicity, sharp angled, and square look point in the direction of the mainstream of the 1960s upholstered furniture groups. The Danish furniture companies Gesten Maskinsnedkeri and Rasmus Koch Design, together with Arne Vodder, redesigned his sideboard model 29A with cabinets in formica aiming at the new millennium’s rush for midcentury designs. Also, sofa models from the 50s and 60s are still within the repertoire of the Danish furniture company Nielaus’ designs. Literature and media source:
Lars Dybdahl, Dansk design 1945-1975, Valby: Borgen, 2006
Frederik Sieck, Nutidig Dansk Møbeldesign, København: Nyt Nordisk Forlag
Arnold Busck, 1999
Per H. Hansen and Klaus Petersen, Moderne dansk møbeldesign,
København: Bruun Rasmussen Publishing/Gyldendal, 2007