Silvia Ceñal
Silvia Ceñal was born in San Sebastián in 1985. After studying a Technical Ingeneering in the University of Basque Country, she extended her knowledge in Groningen (Netherlands) and Florence (Italy). After a short period working in different studios, she increased her know-how in furniture design at IED in Madrid. In 2010 she continued her career at Stone Designs Studio, working with Cutu Mazuelos and Eva Prego. After four rewarding years at Stone Designs, she has learnt that design goes way further than the mere construction of furniture. Every experience in the diverse projects in which she has participated has helped her consider different perspectives when creating a design. These projects go from the interior design of offices, restaurants and stores to furniture and lighting. With the aim of growing professionally in the design world, she has started her own journey. The first step was creating her first line of products, based on the knowledge acquired during her short professional career. These new creations are inspired in the wood's warmth and simplicity and the color's joy. Her eagerness and aim to go a long way in the world of design make her work every day with the same motivation than the first one. Nowadays she works with companies of furniture and lighting sector such as Lithuanian company Emko, Portuguese company Two Six, Spanish companies Lufe, Massmi and Oi Side.