Kay Bojesen
Kay Bojesen graduated as a silversmith in 1910 after completing his apprenticeship with silversmith Georg Jensen. As one of the first Danish artisans to do so, he embraced functionalism. He was among the pioneers who organised Den Permanente association – a cooperative of artists that included a shop and exhibition space which over the decades came to represent the best in Danish and Scandinavian design.1919 became the start of a new era for Kay Bojesen. He got married and his son Otto was born. This sparked Kay Bojesen's imagination and fascination for children, toys and wood and brought back memories of his own childhood when his father (the publisher Ernst Bojesen – the publisher of the Danish satirical annual Blæksprutten (The Octopus)) cut wooden figures for him and encouraged his children to be creative, imaginative and playful.
foto af kay bojesen omgivet af træaber
foto af kay bojesen som sidder og arbejder i træ
In the 1930s, Kay Bojesen started in earnest to indulge his interest in wood. He created a range of wooden toys that all lived up to his ideal that design should be round, soft and have a good feel to it.
His idea was not to create lifelike copies of real animals or to be too sophisticated or focus too much on detail, but instead to create imaginative toys in designs based on a child's own world where ‘lines need to smile’. The wooden toys had to be simple, solid and inspire children to play.
With this basic philosophy in mind, Kay Bojesen created his beloved wooden toys that appeal to the child within us all.
For generations, Kay Bojesen was seen as the high spirits of Danish industrial design. Today, Kay Bojesen is regarded as one of Denmark's biggest designer names and his designs are among the most popular in Danish design.
Kay Bojesen retained his childish curiosity and joie de vivre till the end. Kay Bojesen died at the age of 72 and left an important design heritage behind. A heritage that is now guarded closely by his four grandchildren.
The Rosendahl Design Group is grateful to have been chosen by the Bojesen family to develop, manufacture and distribute their grandfather's popular designs. Since Kay Bojesen's legendary shop in Bredgade closed back in 1990, many of his products have not been in production. It is therefore with great pleasure that the Rosendahl Design Group is able to reintroduce several of Kay Bojesen's fantastic old designs produced on the basis of his original drawings and with great respect for Kay Bojesen's strict standards for materials and craftsmanship.