Søborg Møbelfabrik
A/S Søborg Møbelfabrik was founded in 1890 and has constantly manufactured high quality furniture in great Danish design. They have a long tradition of cooperation with famous Danish architects and designers in the development of the company's standard products. Some of them, amongst others, are Børge Mogensen, Christian Hvidt, Flemming Hvidt and Mogens Lassen. Through the 1950s and 1960s the company worked with Danish furniture designers to experiment with, manufacture and display furniture at the annual exhibitions of Copenhagen Guild of Joiners- exhibitions that laid the foundations for the fairytale of Danish furniture and the internationally recognized concept of Danish Design. This tradition of exhibitions is continued through all the years. A/S Søborg Møbelfabrik is still active today, and produce mainly office furniture and classic items designed by e.g. Børge Mogensen, Christian Hvidt, Kai Lyngfeldt Larsen and Mogens Lassen.