We come from Gävle which most of you haven’t heard of. It’s a small town on the Baltic coast. Some of the places nearby are beautiful enough to knock you off your feet. The Arctic Circle is just hours away. People have been fishing here for hundreds of years. Some still do. It’s windy and it’s harsh. It snows in the winter and rains in the fall. And most of the year it’s dark. If you were to draw a straight line eastward you’d end up in Siberia. Gävle is known for a few things and outdoor furniture isn’t one of them, for obvious reasons. Light and warmth are scarce resources. Can you imagine the value of an hour of sunshine here? That was a rhetorical question. No, you can’t, unless you were born here. We make our furniture for these precious moments; for the short Swedish summers. We can’t compromise because every second counts. We make furniture to withstand everything that nature throws at it. If they’re good here, they’re good wherever they end up.
We like to think of ourselves as part of a tradition that’s truly Scandinavian. On the other hand we’re inspired by everything from early American shaker style to Bauhaus. We believe that less really is more. We make ideas tangible. You should be able to immediately grasp the concept of a piece, it shouldn’t be an intellectual process. Obviously there’s a risk of becoming either pretentious or boring, possibly both, unless something is added to this. Our furniture exudes a sense of effortlessness that’s almost provocative (a lightheartedness even) and a character defined by pure craftsmanship in production and material selection. And perhaps most apparent: the details that reveal themselves to you over time; the ingenious solutions that elevate simplicity to something sublime. No fuss, no extras. Simply less becoming even more.